Nampaknya tiada satu pun media pro BN yang telah menyiarkan Laporan dari Jabatan Audit Negara.. Laporan yang mendedahkan begitu banyak penipuan yang belaku dibawah pemerintahan BN..
Sebahagian dari laporan Audit yang terpaksa ditranslate kebahasa Inggeris kerana asalnya dalam bahasa cina..
The following is made part of the audit report revealed: (A) human resources training centers with low technology (Institut Latihan Perindustrian)
- There is no evidence to suggest that departments have to investigate the training centers in the market price of the purchase of tools. Audit found that A throwing Bali Process Training Center at the end of four tools for the contract price is higher than the market price of 37.8 to 800%.
- Audit also found that the US-ri and Sandakan Technology Training Center purchased six tools, the contract price is adjusted than the market price higher than 18.8 to 2981.8%. They are due to lack of access to East Malaysia in 2006 the market price, and depending on the peninsula and to consider adjusting the price adjustment of 8%, respectively (Sabah) and 10% (Sarawak) for comparison. (2) the Ministry of Education spent 37450 ringgit to serve Kelantan Bukit Jawa (2) the market value of the purchase of 89 trees in 5885 ringgit, respectively, higher than the market value of 470-880%. (C) under the Ministry of Communications 10000 Ipoh double-track electric railway in around - Audit found that 5.77 billion ringgit worth of around 10000 Ipoh double-track electric railway works were a number of weaknesses, including project delays lead to cost increase of 14.3 billion ringgit to buy more than the required equipment, trains uncoordinated procurement and infrastructure development. - In addition, the Government may have to bear most of the loss of 1.14 billion ringgit, because according to the Government and the original contractor conditions between DRB-Hicom, the Government can only recover the 2.5799 billion ringgit to the contractor. (Iv) National Infrastructure Management Company - National infrastructure audit found that the company's financial and operational management of poor performance, and in between 2005 to 2007 to face a loss, as of December 31, 2007 the accumulated losses of 100 million ringgit was 8.3981. - Its poor cash flow situation could lead to its inability to pay up to 7.1 billion ringgit of bonds. (E) under the Ministry of Health of Northern roots Hospital - Total value of 96.45 million ringgit audit found that the Northern Root poor quality hospital projects, which include some of the weaknesses in construction and equipment not yet been completed on a completion certificate, the cost of delay in completion result rose 59 million ringgit, as well as equipment has not been fully utilized. - Audit also found that many of leakage, exposed wiring, mold, ceiling holes, the ground water and other issues.
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